The Power of Self-Care: Styling and Mental Health
Self-care has become a common term in our lives, especially in a world that values efficiency and success over personal wellbeing. However, self-care goes beyond occasional indulgences; it is an essential practice that supports our mental and physical health. Within
Hispanic and Latin American fashion: exploring its legacy
Fashion plays a fundamental role in the expression of our identity and in the way we relate to the world.In the case of Hispanic and Latin American fashion, this becomes even more evident, as it reflects the cultural richness and
La moda hispana y latinoamericana: explorando su legado y creatividad
La moda desempeña un papel fundamental en la expresión de nuestra identidad y en la forma en que nos relacionamos con el mundo.En el caso de la moda hispana y latinoamericana, esto se vuelve aún más evidente, ya que refleja
La influencia asiática en el mundo de la moda
La moda es un lenguaje universal que trasciende fronteras y culturas. A lo largo de la historia, diferentes regiones del mundo han dejado su huella en la industria de la moda, y Asia no es la excepción. En los últimos
Fashion of culture and celebration
Fashion is much more than clothing, it is a language that allows us to express our identity and culture. During festivities such as Christmas, Chinese New Year, Ramadan and Hindu holidays, fashion takes on a special meaning as it becomes a
Fornasetti: a timeless design icon
If there is one name that is associated with timeless design and iconic craftsmanship, it is that of Piero Fornasetti. Born in Milan in 1913, Fornasetti is known for his talent in interior design and the creation of unique decorative
Fornasetti: un icono de diseño atemporal
Si hay un nombre que se asocia con el diseño atemporal y la artesanía icónica, es el de Piero Fornasetti. Nacido en Milán en 1913, Fornasetti es conocido por su talento en el diseño de interiores y la creación de
The gray society: beyond first impression
They say that there is never a second chance after a first impression, and that the way you dress can say much more about you than you imagine. While on the fashion catwalks around the world designers present revolutionary collections, we
Lighting in fashion and retail
Lighting design and store design is one of the main tools to achieve certain effects that can be very useful, either to focus attention on certain products or to create different rhythms in the space.Light naturally attracts us and when
La iluminación en la moda y en el Retail
La iluminación de una tienda y su diseño es una de las herramientas principales para lograr ciertos efectos que pueden ser de gran utilidad, ya sea para enfatizar la atención sobre ciertos productos que para crear diferentes ritmos en el
Interaction in the retail space
Interaction is the key to a successful retail space. Experimentation and the numerous ways to create interactions with customers are the great advantage of having a physical retail space where consumers can; see, touch, try the product and live a
Visual Storytelling and Retail
Storytelling is one of the most powerful strategies within a good strategic marketing and communication planning, it is based on telling stories that create an impact on the consumer's mind and that connect directly with them, very useful in the
Upcycling and fashion
Upcycling is one of the most interesting trends in sustainable fashion. We know that the textile industry is one of the most polluting industries, as it generates a large amount of waste. Sustainable fashion is a very old topic of debate. There
Vintage and sustainability: where to buy
Vintage in fashion is synonymous of sustainability and style. Normalizing the trend of giving garments a second chance can undoubtedly bring great economic and environmental benefits. But what exactly is Vintage? Vintage is an English word derived from the French "vendenge" which
Vintage y sostenibilidad: donde comprar
Vintage en la moda es sinónimo de sostenibilidad y estilo. Normalizar la tendencia de dar una segunda oportunidad a las prendas, sin duda, puede aportar grandes beneficios tanto económicos como ambientales. Pero, exactamente ¿qué significa Vintage? Vintage es una palabra en inglés
Podcasts and fashion
Podcasts are becoming one of the most appreciated and used formats that have been revolutionizing the world of communication and entertainment. According to a study conducted by Digital News Report, podcasts in Spain are used by 39% of Spanish Internet users,
Podcasts y moda
Los podcasts se están convirtiendo en unos de los formatos más apreciados y utilizados que han estado revolucionando el mundo de la comunicación y del entretenimiento en los últimos tiempos. Según un estudio realizado por Digital News Report, el podcast en España
Neuromarketing en la moda
El neuromarketing es la aplicación de las técnicas de la neurociencia al marketing. Su objetivo es conocer y comprender los niveles de atención que muestran las personas a diferentes estímulos. De esta manera podemos explicar y estudiar el comportamiento de los consumidores durante
Teresa Helbig: creativity and talent
Teresa Helbig is undoubtedly one of the first names that come to mind if we talk about professionals who love their profession and stand out for its talent. - "Once they invited me to a party and I decided to make
Emotional Intelligence: how increase profits in Retail
Emotional Intelligence is a powerful tool that helps us increase the level of satisfaction and success in life and at work. People are emotional human beings and our emotions are what guide our actions. What exactly is Emotional Intelligence? According to the definition
Tendencias 2020
Las tendencias, efímeras y volátiles, están en continuo movimiento y evolución. En el mundo de la Moda, del Diseño y del Retail es fundamental estudiar estas tendencias para conocer sus previsiones. Analizar y conocer lo que va a estar en auge
Fashion and sustainability
Nowadays, more and more designers and fashion brands are joining the great change taking place in the textile industry expanding the borders of sustainable fashion. In response to fast fashion bad habits, in the last decades the world of Fashion and
The future of fashion in Asia
When we think about Asia, we are thinking about technology, innovation and future. Nowdays, the industry of fashion in the Asian Market it’s growing every day more. In fact, in the last years, the economic statistics tell us that fashion, design