AI Fashion: transforming the fashion industry
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the fashion industry at a dizzying pace. Innovative AI tools and models are transforming fashion design, production and marketing, bringing new opportunities and efficiencies. From generating styles and patterns to optimizing the supply chain and
IA Fashion: trasformando la industria de la moda
La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la industria de la moda a un ritmo vertiginoso. Las innovadoras herramientas y modelos de IA están transformando el diseño, la producción y la comercialización de la moda, brindando nuevas oportunidades y eficiencias. Desde
Asian influence in the fashion world
Fashion is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. Throughout history, different regions of the world have left their mark on the fashion industry, and Asia is no exception. In recent years, Asian influence has become increasingly prominent in
The fashion industry and its management
Any stakeholders that participates in the fashion industry should be informed of any fact that may affect the state of good health of its company, store, brand, image, etc. Involvement in the needs that occur in the fashion industry is an
UN Sustainable Development Goals: Reduce inequality.
In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, it is a project to undertake new challenges and habits to improve everyone's life, without leaving anyone behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, from the elimination of poverty
Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU: reducir la desigualdad.
En 2015 la ONU aprobó la Agenda 2030 sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, se trata de un proyecto para emprender nuevos retos y hábitos para mejorar la vida de todos, sin dejar a nadie atrás. La Agenda cuenta con 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, que
The best companies to work for?
The real challenge for modern companies is not only to attract physical capital, but the human one. The growth of companies and their work dynamics are directly linked to the evolution of professional figures. In a Digital Age, the ideal professionals are